Sunday, January 30, 2011

Time to Tie It UP!

If you're wondering about the title, check out how many posts Randomocity has and then how many What's Under the Kilt? has. 21 each as of this post! Of course, if I go back to Scotland, that may change... Anyway...

I didn't post at all last week because of a lot of reasons, number one being that the wireless internet in my sorority house was supposed to be fixed, but instead, it just go SO much worse. Worse as in I haven't had access to the internet for more than 5 minutes at a time in my room for over a week. Worse like that.

That's just ONE of the reasons that last week was the week from Hell. Want to know the others? Here's a full list...
  1. No reliable internet
  2. Other chairs for the musical competition NOT doing their jobs in any way and therefore making mine that much tougher (I want to shoot something)
  3. Napier was not replying to my e-mails, but I finally got that taken care of
  4. My iTunes account got hacked and I had to wait until their stupid office hours to report the hack
  5. My iTunes account was then disabled
  6. Girls in my sorority are A) putting pressure on me to place since we didn't last year and B) asking why I cut the script this way or that and being rude about it
  7. I broke the middle finger of my left hand
There are two more personal reasons, but that's the gist. One more and I'd have an even 10. So I'm hoping this week will be better, but considering my luck, I doubt it. Awesome, huh?

Sorry for the negativity, but I barely made it through last week. I think I held about five breakdowns at bay. Still in the process of holding them back. I need to get through this competition and then I think I can breathe. It's really March 1st that I need to get to. Also looking for an internship, preferably in Nashville, preferably in the hospitality industry. But that I can do myself. The competition is the biggest thing because I literally have no control over the cooperation of the other houses and I don't know how to motivate them!

OK, so you want to know what my To-Do list said last week?
Tuesday: rehearsal
Wednesday: rehearsal
Thursday: rehearsal
Friday: go home
Saturday: come back

I don't remember writing Sunday's task, but it didn't happen. Don't worry. The world is not destroyed... yet.

On the plus side, no internet means that I've been writing a LOT. Made it well past 200 pages and almost at 54,000 words!

I really don't have much to say. I apologize for the negativity both here and on Facebook, but sometimes you just need to vent, you know? OK, well here's the random tidbit for the day. Boogers!

Last thing: The competition ends tomorrow! Can you help me?

This is Kate Brown signing off...

Stay random!

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