I didn't post at all last week because of a lot of reasons, number one being that the wireless internet in my sorority house was supposed to be fixed, but instead, it just go SO much worse. Worse as in I haven't had access to the internet for more than 5 minutes at a time in my room for over a week. Worse like that.
That's just ONE of the reasons that last week was the week from Hell. Want to know the others? Here's a full list...
- No reliable internet
- Other chairs for the musical competition NOT doing their jobs in any way and therefore making mine that much tougher (I want to shoot something)
- Napier was not replying to my e-mails, but I finally got that taken care of
- My iTunes account got hacked and I had to wait until their stupid office hours to report the hack
- My iTunes account was then disabled
- Girls in my sorority are A) putting pressure on me to place since we didn't last year and B) asking why I cut the script this way or that and being rude about it
- I broke the middle finger of my left hand
Sorry for the negativity, but I barely made it through last week. I think I held about five breakdowns at bay. Still in the process of holding them back. I need to get through this competition and then I think I can breathe. It's really March 1st that I need to get to. Also looking for an internship, preferably in Nashville, preferably in the hospitality industry. But that I can do myself. The competition is the biggest thing because I literally have no control over the cooperation of the other houses and I don't know how to motivate them!
OK, so you want to know what my To-Do list said last week?
Tuesday: rehearsal
Wednesday: rehearsal
Thursday: rehearsal
Friday: go home
Saturday: come back
I don't remember writing Sunday's task, but it didn't happen. Don't worry. The world is not destroyed... yet.
On the plus side, no internet means that I've been writing a LOT. Made it well past 200 pages and almost at 54,000 words!
I really don't have much to say. I apologize for the negativity both here and on Facebook, but sometimes you just need to vent, you know? OK, well here's the random tidbit for the day. Boogers!
Last thing: The competition ends tomorrow! Can you help me?
This is Kate Brown signing off...
Stay random!
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