Not much has changed. I will say that my dad's lawyer is currently reviewing the contract from the aforementioned publisher (the one from just before New Year's Eve) and we'll see how that goes. So there's still a chance of publication within the next six months or so. Again, I'll try to keep you posted... No pun intended. Or was there?
I'm back to school now. Had my first real day of classes today. My last first day. WOOHOO! Yeah, I'm stoked. I'm still working out the kinks, though. Edinburgh Napier University are still idiots and I've had a problem with a course I'm supposed to be enrolled in, but not. But now it's closed and I have to get an override. Ugh. I don't know how it happened, either. I swear I was enrolled before the break, but now? Nuh-uh.
OK, back to normal, sort of. Got a new room in the house and I took pictures, but I think the layout's gonna change again anyway. I'm not sure I like it. TV is in the wrong place. Pictures on the walls aren't staying well (because of the paint, not the wall). Here are some hastily taken pictures (taken via iPhone!)

OK, so I'm totally having déjà vu in the extreme. I feel like I've seen that Scottish flag on my wall BEFORE I put it up there. This is so weird.
Oh well. Onward! DINNER! Breakfast for dinner. As my friend, Dilan, pointed out, it's BRINNER! I'm stoked. This is Kate Brown signing off. Remember...
Stay random!
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