Thursday, February 23, 2012

Time For a Change... Or Two...

You may have gotten it from the title, but I'm making some changes. For Lent, I gave up soda and sweets (pretty much sugar, as much as possible). But I'm going a step further to get in shape. I'm overweight and I fully admit it. I have been for a while. But I have a goal and I'm sticking to it because, guess what! My family and I are going on a cruise at the end of May and by golly, I will feel sexy in a bathing suit.

That said, I joined Weight Watchers today. I joined online tonight so I was messing around to figure out, using what I ate today, how many points I had used up and how many I had left. I actually came out with 3 points left for the day! Which is a nice little snack. Oh and fruits and veggies? No points so I can eat s many oranges as I want! I love oranges and they're easy to eat at work.

If y'all are looking to lose weight, I've got some tips for you. Yes, tips. I love giving tips, but here goes:
  1. Don't completely deprive yourself. Using Weight Watchers, adding up points, etc. I can still indulge a little. For example, something I learned a few years ago is that a great snack can be made with calorie-free butter spray, cinnamon, splenda, and whole wheat tortillas. Just cut the tortillas into sixths (triangles), spray with a couple squirts of the butter spray, sprinkle cinnamon and splenda to your liking (don't overdo it or they won't taste as good) and bake at 375 degrees for about 7-10 minutes. The first batch may take longer in a convection oven, but after that they will only take the minimum. These are AWESOME! And one full tortilla (six triangles) is only 2 points on Weight Watchers because the other ingredients add up to 0. Nice, right?
  2. Exercise a little. Even if it's just a half hour each day. I work on my feet so I'm not crazy about it, but I already know it's helped because, in a month and a half, without monitoring what I eat and without exercising, I've lost about 10 or so lbs. I had a doctor's appointment last month and I remember what the scale said. Even leaving room for some discrepancy between the two scales, I am still doing well. Adding in Weight Watchers and exercise can only help!
  3. Keep your goals where you can see them. I have a white board hanging in my room that has my current weight, my weight goal and measurements hanging on it. I update it once a week on the same day each week to stay consistent. I've got other goals, like financial things, up there as well. It does help.
That's just a few things I have already learned before this year, but that I'll be putting into affect right.... NOW! GO!

That's it for now! Stay random!

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