Thursday, March 17, 2011

St. Patrick's Day Update

Happy Everyone-Is-Irish Day! Why do I say that? Well because everyone is 100% Irish today, no matter their heritage. Erin go bragh!

OK, so in honor of my late grandfather, Leo "Papatoe" Harkins, I would like to post a quick toast that he always made when visiting:

I drink to your health when we're together,
I drink to your health when I'm alone.
I've drunk to your health so goddamn often,
I've darn near ruined my own!

When I say 'always', I really mean it. I can't tell you how many times I hear Papatoe say that. The nickname is a long story, to be told at a later date probably. For now, just go with it.

As for the title of the post, yes, I have an update. I'm not doing the St. Patrick's Day feast that I mentioned earlier. Plans fell through. However, I did spend 6 hours at the car dealership today. Nothing wrong, just a routine checkup. Ick.

Oh and there's this little thing about my book. It's in the design stage. Cover picture being generated, etc. Just thought I'd keep you posted. See what I did there? Good, huh?

OK, so there wasn't much to say. I won't post next week (probably). I'll be in DISNEY WORLD!!! It's spring break. Oh, did I mention this little thing about getting accepted into the Disney College Program for the summer and fall of this year? Yeah. I start in May. SCORE!

This is Kate signing off! Remember...

Stay random!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Rose Legends

The title of this post is also the name of my very first published book. That's right. PUBLISHED. Head on over to the website! It's still a work in progress, but here's the link:

There are also links to the right of the blog for Twitter and Facebook. Please follow me so I can keep you updated on the publication process! That's all!

This is Kate signing off! Remember...

Stay random!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Life is good.

Yeah, life is good. Why? I'll tell you.

First of all, as I mentioned earlier, Greek Sing is over so there's a little less stress on me. Second, I've applied for graduation so I don't have to worry about that. Third, I applied for the Disney internship and all I have to do now is wait. Fourth, as I said, I signed the contract. Fifth, SPRING BREAK IS LESS THAN TWO WEEKS AWAY!!!

Oh, did I mentioned where I'm going for spring break? It's this little place (maybe you've heard of it) called Walt Disney World!!! I'm going with a couple of sorority sisters and it's gonna be a blast!

Right now I'm also planning a St. Patrick's Day Feast with friends. I hope to try out some new recipes and I'll post both the recipes and their pictures here in the next few days after that. If I had my own kitchen, this would be a blog used solely for food. So what am I going to do when I have a kitchen of my own? Well, let me think... COOK!!!!!! I love trying out new recipes.

I'll let you know what we decide to cook on St. Pat's and I may even post pictures of other things I've cooked in the past. For now, though, this is Kate Brown signing off! Remember...

Stay random!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Yes, I'm alive, as the title (and presence of a post) states. Greek Sing is over and it was so much fun, even though we didn't place. I had a great time getting to know new people and all that jazz.

It's been so long since I posted, but I was so busy with the aforementioned event that I had no time or energy to think of something witty to say that you would even want to read.

Update: I already spoke about Greek Sing. Fun stuff. Did I mention a little thing about this publishing contract? No? Oh... well... I SIGNED!!!!!!!!! I don't know how much better any other information I have really is in comparison to that. Let me try to top that...



Nope. Nothin'. BUT... I'm doing NutriSystem. Food's actually pretty good about... 90% of the time and it's already working. SCORE! I haven't checked my actual weight in a couple days, so I'll post that later (because I'm not ashamed to let you know how awesome I'm doing).

I guess I have less to say than I thought. Is it time for randomness??? ALWAYS!

This is Kate Brown, signing off. Remember...

Stay random!