Yes. I'm drinking tonight. And watching Harry Potter (I know
the title quote is from Pirates). Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, to be
specific. And using it for a drinking game. Yes, alone. Not my preference, but
I felt the need. If someone wants to join in on the second one, I'd be happy to
Here's the game. It's really simple, this one.
Drink if:
1. A house name is mentioned
2. Hermione is a know-it-all
3. Harry's dead parents are referenced
4. There is an animal on screen
5. Harry's fame is referenced
6. Voldemort is referenced
7. There is obvious, bad CGI
That last one is odd to me because the CGI isn't really all
that bad. But I'll let it slide and go for at least mediocre. Sound good?
Here we go!
20 minutes in and not much drinking has been done. Perhaps
this isn't the best version for film #1. Or I just need a stronger drink.
23 minutes in. Stronger drink in hand. Now I'm ready to go!
28 minutes in. Blegh. Too strong. Sorry guys.
34 minutes in. There should be something to do with
Dumbledore or one of the professors. Shouldn't there?
35 minutes in. Do I have to drink during the Sorting when
they yell out EACH house name for EACH student? Good thing I'm not taking
40 minutes in and I'm warning you that I might fall asleep.
Not pass out. Just fall asleep. Cuz I'm tired.
53 minutes in. Yeah, this version doesn't require enough
drinking. I mean, it wouldn't be enough if my drink was weaker... But it's not.
So I guess I'm OK for now...
57 minutes in. "She needs to sort out her priorities.
" NO RON! YOU DO! Clearly school is more important than life itself.
58 minutes. Do the British ONLY wear sweaters? And corduroy?
Pretty sure that's all they're ever wearing outside of their robes.
1 hour mark. They were so stinking cute! Weren't they?!
Seamus is adorable, especially covered in soot from his burned up feather.
1:02. Snape, what are you doing? You sneaky professor.
1:07. Oh! There's the bad CGI. Silly troll.
1:08. You know what I've never understood? Why people don't
skirt the water either spraying out of the walls or pipes or lying in a puddle
on the floor. Come on, people. WHY?!
1:15. Sorry guys, but I keep pausing it for bathroom breaks
so the timing will be off if you're stingy. There are lulls. HUGE lulls between
drinks with this one.
1:18. What happened to Lee Jordan in the later movies? And
we never freaking meet PEEVES! I LOVE PEEVES!
1:33. Sorry for the long pause. I don't have a lot to say,
but does Fluffy count as one of those animals since it's CGI? Or would it be
bad CGI? That was random. Fluffy wasn't even on the screen.
1:36. "Do you think this mirror shows the future?"
Well... Actually, Harry uses the Resurrection Stone to see his parents again
and Ron does do pretty well in Quidditch, right?
1:39. I'm going to fall asleep from exhaustion before I
actually get drunk or even reasonably tipsy. Poop.
1:40. Tiny sips. Too strong.
1:43. Totally thought that knocking was in my house, not the
1:44. Does the dragon about to hatch count as one of the
animals or bad CGI? See? It's a legit question. I just said legit. CRAP! I just
said it again! STOP!
1:52. #1, yeah the centaurs count as bad CGI. #2, I can't
help but think of the centaur in AVPS. If you don't know what that is, just
leave. Leave now.
1:54. So tired, I don't know if I can make it. NO. I've got
2:02. The only time it's OK for Hermione to be a
know-it-all... "Devil's Snare hates sunlight!"
2:04. That 'dust' on the broom kinda just looks like flour
to me. Maybe it belonged to a baker first.
2:06. Oh now Ron gets to be a know-it-all. Yay Ron!
2:09. That was a weird face, Hermione.
2:10. Now that I know there are no lenses at all in HP's
glasses, it bugs me. I notice.
2:13. Did Harry just wink at himself?
2:14. Oh yes, Quirrell, yelling will help. That'll make HP
do what you want.
2:15. I had an epiphany.
2:18. Last bathroom break. Promise.
2:23. Yeah, Dumbledore. Why didn't you destroy the damn
thing in the first place?
2:24. Haha. "Touch him". Haha.
2:25. I don't think Harry believes Dumbledore about the ear
wax flavored bean. I would've at least raised a freaking eyebrow.
2:27. Oh come on. Who cares about the House Cup?
2:28. Oh yeah. Slytherin cares.
2:29. Dumble-freaking-dore! Fryffindor wins by 8 points!
2:30. Now for a TALL glass of water. Oh wait. Picture book.
Dead parents. *drink*
2:31. 'I'm not going home. Not really." Nope. And
Hogwarts will always be there for me too.
That's all, folks. Not sure how entertaining that was, but
it'll happen again for the rest of the films. Stay tuned!
Also, stay random!
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