Sunday, April 21, 2013

More Beauty

OK, so a bit of an update...

Still doing the workout, eat right thing. Also the lemony scrub I mentioned in the last post. But this post isn't about either of those. It's about mascara. A specific type of mascara...

Cover Girl Lash Blast 24 Hour Mascara. I bought Very Black, but that doesn't matter for our purposes. Ready for the review? Here goes.

It definitely lasts 24 hours and then some... Yeah, that's it.

DOES NOT COME OFF! No matter what makeup remover or face wash I used, the damn stuff would not come off! Not without a fight, at least.
Clumps. Like crazy. Not even kidding. I can't even get the freaking brush out of the tube without it clumping on the brush! Normally, I can give it a few tries and then the brush comes out pretty smooth. Smooth enough to work. Not this stuff. Nope. This stuff decided to clump on the brush. Just to save me the trouble.
Smells funny. I know mascara doesn't necessarily smell great, but this stuff actually kinda reeks. And I'm putting it around my eyes.
It flakes. Not bad, so it's not the worst on this list. But it flakes. Still won't come off with makeup remover though. How does that work?

To be honest, I guess it made my lashes look blasted... in a good way. But I got that with the other mascara I had been using before. Lash Blast Fusion. The reason I switched was because I'm trying to find the perfect mascara for me. Lash Blast Fusion was pretty good, but this Lash Blast 24 Hour is crap. Beyond crap. It's the fungus beneath the crap. DO NOT BUY. Unless you really don't want your funny-smelling, clumping, flaky mascara to never ever ever ever ever come off. Then buy it. Go for it.

That is all.

Stay random!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Health? And Beauty? Naaaaah....

Oh right... People care about those things...

Well, as y'all saw in my last post, I drink a little. Honestly, there was drinking done for that one, but not an excessive amount. A) Because I'm a bit of a lightweight and 2) Because I don't really like getting hammered. I mean hammered. Not the tipsy "Oh, haha, I feel funny". I mean the oh-lord-I-can't-stand-and-I-really-have-to-pee-but-I'm-dead-weight-and-you-can't-carry-me kind of hammered. Not fun. Also, I'm 23. It's legal for me to drink alcohol. Let me be clear...


Ok... Now that we have that covered...

Health and beauty. I'm back on it. Back on track with Weight Watchers. We won't say where I am weight-wise because, well... I haven't weighed myself in far too long. I'm waiting until next week. Gives me 5 days to work out, work (which involves lots of stairs and running around), and eat healthy. 5 days. I think that'll help shock my body enough to get back on track. I'll try to post weekly if I can. Especially pertaining to weight loss if there is any.

Goals for the week:

  1. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. (I have one large cup that's closer to 2, but if I can drink at least 6 of those, I should be good).
  2. Work out every day.
    1. Side note here: Because of my gym's weekend hours, I may not always be able to work out on Saturdays and Sundays. I physically cannot do so after work, so it has to be before. I shall do my best, though.
  3. Track everything I eat and drink. If I have a beer with a friend, I have to track it on Weight Watchers. Have to. No buts about it.

On to beauty!

Y'all have heard of Pinterest, right? Of course you have. You don't live on Mars! ("I can't go to Pigfarts, Potter. It's on Mars." 10 points if you can name that show). Pinterest is a special place filled with very special... interesting... people. People who can sing and dance... Wait. No. That's wrong.

Pinterest is where I find little tidbits that can help (or hinder) everyday life. One such tip is a sort of facial mask and yours truly is going to try it out.

What you need:
Ground cinnamon
Ground nutmeg
Lemon juice

You don't really need a lot of any of it, but I didn't really measure and this pin didn't have measurements either. I made a bit too much though. Don't know if it'll save. SO, add a dash of nutmeg and probably about a tablespoon or so of cinnamon. A little honey... maybe a teaspoon? And a few drops of lemon juice. You want a paste, not a full-on liquid. Don't add too much lemon juice though. Acidic! I left the paste on my face for only 5 minutes. I haven't seen any warnings about time limits or how many times a week so we'll see. But at five minutes it wasn't stinging but I could definitely feel the effects.

I wiped mine off with a warm wash cloth. Make sure to get it all. The cinnamon is tough to get off! My skin, which is normally quite dry right after a shower or after I wash it but then gets really oily throughout the day in some areas, felt really smooth and soft. So nice! Not saying I know it worked, but I'll have pictures next week for you. Day 1 to Day 7.

Beauty tip #2! Yes! Two for the price of one! Simple trick. I have severe dark circles underneath my eyes and some acne scars on my left cheek. The scars aren't all that visible, but they bother me. I saw something on Pinterest that said aloe vera gel would help. So when I was finished with that paste, I rubbed in some of my aloe vera gel. I only did my under-eyes and my cheeks and a little of my chin since I'm worried about getting the scars there.

Aloe also moisturizes and I'm taking an antibiotic for acne which dries out my skin like crazy, along with this new face wash. So the moisturizing aloe vera is WAY cheaper than the lotion my doctor recommended.

Also, I have sensitive skin. Certain makeups and washes make me break out. Not necessarily with acne, sometimes it's just a rash. So for those of you with the same problem, I hope this helps.

That's all for now. No pics until next time.

Stay random!