Remember those who died.
Remember the heroes who gave their lives.
Remember where you were and what you were doing.
Never forget the flag flying, no matter where it is; in your front yard, in your school, high over the memorial fountains. Keep the families of those lost in your prayers and in your hearts. This is a day we will never repeat. Because we are stronger now. We have come together as a nation to show those responsible for this tragedy that we can only come together during an attack like this. We cannot be divided.
The cowards who caused these attacks; the ones who took not only their own lives, but the lives of nearly 3,000 people. They tried to bring down this nation by tearing us apart. Did they think we would not retaliate? Did they think we were so weak? We are the longest surviving republic of our kind and we will continue to be strong.
In the New York City skyline, there is something missing. We all know it when we see it. Those two towers, which never really stood out to most of us before, are gone. And in their destruction, in the place where they once stood, we see twin fountains, around which the names of the victims and heroes have been etched into the black stone. We are going to soon see the memorial building which is currently under construction. And every time we see that building along the NYC skyline, whether in person, picture, or film, we will remember the strength of the city that lost so much ten years ago. We will remember the families of those we lost; of those who gave their lives for others. We will remember.
Never forget. This is Kate Brown, signing off.
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